Category Archives: House

And…I’m Off!

To say today was crazy would be an under statement. It went a little something like this…

Woke up, had a quick bowl of Blueberry Frosted Mini Wheats….(and I scarfed this down, mind you)

Look at my cute Halloween inspired bowl! (Target for like $1.50, score!)

Once we were ready, Justin and I ran out the door and carpooled to work. Thank goodness for the HOV lane in Phoenix…we flew all the way to downtown (where Justin works) and then I headed on to my office. My day at the office was a blur. I’m pretty positive I was either in a meeting or slaving away at emails every second I was there. In fact, my lunch consisted of Cheez-Its, a string cheese and half an apple. Not of that is pictured because I’m not even sure I chewed any of it. I’m pretty sure it was inhaled and I moved on with my day!

I was in the office til around 6:45 and then headed home, ran a few last minute errands because I’m taking off for a work/fun trip tomorrow and headed home. When I got home, Justin let me know he had ordered pizza. Yum. Fast, easy, I’ll take it.

After inhaling my second meal of the day, my night consisted of dealing with more of this.

To ensure that our apartment soon looks like this…

And don’t worry, I think I’ve had like 5 handfulls of these throughout the night as well…(peanut butter M&M’s, yummmmm)

Now, I’ll need to pack my suitcase for NYC (blah), finish up a few work things and hit the hay. I totally woke up with a splitting headache this morning so I didn’t get to my run so I’m making that a priority tomorrow morning. 4.5 or 5 miles here I come!
Okay, I’m off! Expect some updates from the airport/East coast soon! 🙂

Me at the Guinness Factory in Ireland about this time last year.

It’s Official – We Own A Home!

Well it’s official! We bought a house! After our walk through this morning, we got a call from our title company this afternoon that the loan docs were ready and we could come to the office to close!

(so we totally forgot to take pics while signing documents…but that folder right there folks contains a copy of it all! Signed, sealed, delivered, I’m yours it’s ours!)
The walk through was so exciting…we didn’t take any pictures becausae as of right now the appliances are not installed…so it just didnt seem complete. However, the tile, carpet, countertops and blinds are all installed and they looked great! We are so excited to see the finished product soon and to start making a life in our new home!!

Moving day will be here before we know it. We plan to move soon! Maybe even next weekend! Which would sort of rock because I won’t be here. I’m headed to NYC on Tuesday for work throught he end of the week and then staying the weekend to visit my good friend Stephanie! I can’t wait to spend a weekend in NYC during the fall…this midwestern girl misses her favorite season.

So anyway, back to the move…hopefully, if all goes well with the finishing touches on the house, Justin can move while I’m gone Saturday and I’ll come home to our new home Sunday evening…what a great end to a week away from home!

The rest of the evening we ordered take out from PF Changs and parked ourselves promptly on the couch. After watching lots of DIY Network and HGTV (we’ve been bitten by the house bug) we dipped out for a quick trip to Target. We were out of Blueberry Frosted Mini Wheats…my breakfast of choice before a run so we needed to stock up before the Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5K that we are running tomorrow. On the way home we swung through the drive through at Starbucks for an evening treat. Justin went with a chai tea latte and I grabbed a Pumpkin Spice…and this time it tasted deeeeeeeeeeelish!

The rest of my waking hours today will be spent laying on this couch, toggeling back and forth between the TV (aka HGTV) and my book. Fly Away Home by Jennifer Weiner. So far, so good. For those of you who don’t know her, Jennifer Weiner is the brains behind the book ‘In Her Shoes’ which I’m sure most of you have seen by this point…the movie was pretty good, the book was better. She’s been one of my favorite authors for quite some time, and I have to say her first book Good In Bed was definitley the best….if you’ve never read it…you should. While I’m trying to relax this evening, I’m definitley excited for the race tomorrow. Now that I’ve really gotten myself focused on this whole running thing, I think I’m hooked! There was a bit of talk on Twitter a few days ago about running the The Iron Girl 10K in Scottsdale on December 11 and I’m seriously considering it! I have the Phoenix 10K scheduled for November 6th, so that’d be a nice break inbetween races and you can’t beat the weather in Phoeinx that time of year…sooo I may have just talked myself into it!

Alright, time to relax some more and then hit the hay! Look for my 2nd Race Recap tomorrow!

What do you do the night before a race? Do you follow a routine? Chill out? Go for a short, easy run?

Fit Frappe Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! Today is an exciting day. We are headed to our new house! (well it’s not officially ours, butttt word on the street is that our paperwork will be ready to sign for closing either this afternoon or first thing Monday morning!) Today is the official final home inspection which means we get to see all of the finishes that we picked out in place! The granite countertops, carpeting, tile, blinds, appliances…the whole nine yards. I CAN NOT WAIT! I’m just dying to see what it looks like! Hopefully our inner design goddesses were working when we picked everything out! 🙂

But let’s back up a bit. Yesterday I headed out for my first outdoor run of the season with my brand new Garmin Forerunner 110! yippee! It was a beautiful morning for a run…the sun was just coming up and it was about 75 degrees, love it! I ran about 2.4 miles slow and steady…

…but the watch worked just great! I could barely tell it was on my wrist and it was so nice to just glance down and see my time, average pace and mileage. Totally takes the guess work/stress out of running outdoors. I think I will really enjoy having it with me during the Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5K that Justin and I are running tomorrow!


After my run I finally tried the Fit Frappes that I won a while back! The drink was definitley tasty, I tried the mocha flavor, and it was super easy to prepare.

7oz of water into a cup
add 1/2 the contents of the packet
(your booooooty! No? Ok.)
Pour over ice.

I do have to say typically when making drinks over the powder variety, I like more water, less powder. With Fit Frappe, I wanted all the powder I could get. I think I added a little more than half the packet…and it was perfect. THe whole packet would have probably been a bit strong though.

All in all, delicious! I was hungry a little before lunch…they say you can use Fit Frappe as a meal replacement, but I think some of my hunger was due to the fact that I ran…otherwise I probably could have held off until lunch!

Well, I’m off! Have to get to the house for our inspection! Then it’s to the office for the rest of the day and probabaly a yummy dinner out tonight with Justin. Afterall, we have a race to run in the morning and that requires butt on couch time tonight to save our energy!

Here’s to a great Friday! 🙂

Under Contract…

Today was a crazy day! Woke up early and headed to yoga!

It was an amazing class, per usual. I hadn’t been able to make it in 3 weeks due to travel and it was so nice to get back into that routine! However, due to the insane heat right now in Phoenix, I think I sweat enough in class for about a weeks worth of exercise! Ha!

After yoga it was time to head out for a quick lunch! We landed at a downtown Phoenix spot called That’s a wrap!

I loved this place! I had a rice bowl with brown rice, grilled chicken, black beans, veggies, shredded cheese and a bit of lime sour cream!
After our tummies were full, it was time to see some condos! We saw about 5 condos downtown and sort of liked them but didn’t love them. So we decided to take a drive down near south mountain in Phoenix, a neighborhood Justin’s coworker had recommended we look in. We came across a new construction, gated community with homes right within our price range. We went in took a look, found a house that seriously met allof our needs, was far enough along in the building process that the frame is built but we can still pick all the fixtures and upgrades (score!) and it will be done in time for us to move in before our current lease ends. So,we talked and talked and called our parents and talked some more and decided to go back in and take that house off the market! Sooooooo, we are officially under contract on a house! Now obviously this means we are pending approval of our financing, etc. But if all goes well, we may have just bought a house! Pictures will come once we know more on if the house is actually ours. As well as our adventures in picking out flooring, granite counters and appliances (ahhhh!)

After our crazy busy day of house hunting buying, we came home ate and then I made this super easy, super yummy dessert for us. A homemade deep dish chocolate chip cookie! (well sort of homemade.)

Basically I took a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough (yes, store bought but obviously you can make your own! And I would if I would have had energy tonight!) and I plopped it into a cute little ramekin, threw it into a 350 degree oven for about 15-17 minutes (or until the top is golden brown) and then scooped some vanilla bean ice-cream on top. heavenly absolutely heavenly. I Strongly suggest you make this the next time you want an easy and delicious comfort food dessert.

On another note, I hope everyone on the east coast is safe and sound. My friends and loved ones all seem to be, but I know the worst is not over. C’mon Irene, get it over with already! But honestly, stay safe everyone….

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. I’m headed to bed, I have brunch with a friend in the morning and then we are headed back to the potential new house for paperwork (and pictures!)

Gooooooooodnight! 😉

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