Green Monster Friday!

Good Morning Afternoon, whatever, and Happy Friday! 🙂 Though this work week was only a short one, it sure felt like a normal week to me!

Since I’m participating in Real Food Runner’s Green Smoothie Challenge I started my day off right with a Green Smoothie. This variation is a pretty traditional one as far as Green Smoothies go and is sometimes referred to as the Green Monster.


In the Ninja:

2 cups baby spinach
1-1.25 cups milk (I used Vanilla Soy)
1 tbsp flax seed, optional (I like Bob’s Red Mill)
1 banana (I used fresh, but frozen is always better…makes the smoothie creamier!)


So far, I’ve really enjoyed making a green smoothie a part of my day. They seriously pack so many vitamins and nutrients in one shot that I really should drink them more often than I normally do. AND they’re actually delicious!


I have a few new recipes that I’m excited to try out this weekend, so I’ll definitely post those for you and give you my thoughts once I’ve had a chance to make them!


Anyone else still have their Christmas tree and decorations up? Nope? Just me? Kinda thought so.

Half Marathon Training

Given that this week was a whacky one…my training for this week was all off. Not only were we in San Diego last weekend but then NYE came and it really just distracted me. I did end up running 7 miles on New Years Eve…so there’s that. But for the most part, I didn’t do much other training this week. I am planning to go for a 3 or 4 mile run tonight and get back on the horse with a long run this weekend and my normal training plan starting next week.

Other than that small setback, I’m feeling okay! I ran my 7 miler (which was a new PDR for me, thankyouverymuch) and felt really strong. I’m definitely sure I could have gone another mile at this point so I’m feeling like I CAN actually finish this race, and feel strong! 🙂

Speaking of workouts, I’m planning to start tracking my weekly workouts here on the blog to not only help myself plan, but to hold myself accountable to what I’ve planned. It’s never any fun to publicize the fact that you decided to sit on the couch instead of hit the pavement…so I’m hoping this helps keep me motivated on those days where the couch is calling my name.

Fresh Friday

In addition to the Green Smoothie Challenge I’m participating in, Real Food Runner also does a thing called Fresh Friday (every Friday, as you would guess) where you detail “3 things that made your week fresh and fantastic!” Here goes for my first stab at Fresh Friday!

#1: Spending NYE with great friends (wine, great food and laughter!)
#2: The Green Smoothie Challenge. This has truly reminded me that incorporating healthy snacks into your everyday really can be super easy!
#3: Weekend trip to San Diego. Sometimes all it takes is getting out of town for a bit to rejuvenate and revitalize yourself. Having an awesome husband and pretty cute dog to spend that time with doesn’t hurt, either.

So that’s a wrap for now! We don’t have anything super exciting planned for the weekend but I’m excited to just lounge around, hit the mall and spend some Christmas gift cards (that are clearly, burning a hole in my pocket), and spend some time with friends. 🙂

P.S. Did you notice that Mariel Moves got a mini-facelift last night? It’s a new year so I needed a new design on the blog. I plan to continue to enhance this as I continue to establish my blogging adventure. A big shout out to Kim at 733 Design. She did an amazing job and was so super great to work with!

4 thoughts on “Green Monster Friday!

  1. Haley @ The Saucy Apple

    Love the face lift! 🙂 And you are SO NOT alone… my Christmas tree is still up and sitting right next to me as I type this as a matter of fact. You’re slowly convincing me I need to start making smoothies again. The thing is that I don’t have a blender… I sacrificed it a few years ago for a food processor. But now I really want one! Maybe I’ll try making this in a food processor. And you should totally do a “Best Of” smoothies post. 🙂

  2. paprik4te

    That smoothie looks great! Adding a little bit of dark chocolate cocoa powder is a good variation on green smoothies, too. 😉
    Have a happy weekend!

  3. Juliet

    I smoothie prtety hardcore but (with the exception of when I make ice cream in my blender), I haven’t ever really tried pouring them into a bowl to enjoy..that’s a whole different experience Will give this a try, thanks!


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