Category Archives: Racing

Green Monster Friday!

Good Morning Afternoon, whatever, and Happy Friday! 🙂 Though this work week was only a short one, it sure felt like a normal week to me!

Since I’m participating in Real Food Runner’s Green Smoothie Challenge I started my day off right with a Green Smoothie. This variation is a pretty traditional one as far as Green Smoothies go and is sometimes referred to as the Green Monster.


In the Ninja:

2 cups baby spinach
1-1.25 cups milk (I used Vanilla Soy)
1 tbsp flax seed, optional (I like Bob’s Red Mill)
1 banana (I used fresh, but frozen is always better…makes the smoothie creamier!)


So far, I’ve really enjoyed making a green smoothie a part of my day. They seriously pack so many vitamins and nutrients in one shot that I really should drink them more often than I normally do. AND they’re actually delicious!


I have a few new recipes that I’m excited to try out this weekend, so I’ll definitely post those for you and give you my thoughts once I’ve had a chance to make them!


Anyone else still have their Christmas tree and decorations up? Nope? Just me? Kinda thought so.

Half Marathon Training

Given that this week was a whacky one…my training for this week was all off. Not only were we in San Diego last weekend but then NYE came and it really just distracted me. I did end up running 7 miles on New Years Eve…so there’s that. But for the most part, I didn’t do much other training this week. I am planning to go for a 3 or 4 mile run tonight and get back on the horse with a long run this weekend and my normal training plan starting next week.

Other than that small setback, I’m feeling okay! I ran my 7 miler (which was a new PDR for me, thankyouverymuch) and felt really strong. I’m definitely sure I could have gone another mile at this point so I’m feeling like I CAN actually finish this race, and feel strong! 🙂

Speaking of workouts, I’m planning to start tracking my weekly workouts here on the blog to not only help myself plan, but to hold myself accountable to what I’ve planned. It’s never any fun to publicize the fact that you decided to sit on the couch instead of hit the pavement…so I’m hoping this helps keep me motivated on those days where the couch is calling my name.

Fresh Friday

In addition to the Green Smoothie Challenge I’m participating in, Real Food Runner also does a thing called Fresh Friday (every Friday, as you would guess) where you detail “3 things that made your week fresh and fantastic!” Here goes for my first stab at Fresh Friday!

#1: Spending NYE with great friends (wine, great food and laughter!)
#2: The Green Smoothie Challenge. This has truly reminded me that incorporating healthy snacks into your everyday really can be super easy!
#3: Weekend trip to San Diego. Sometimes all it takes is getting out of town for a bit to rejuvenate and revitalize yourself. Having an awesome husband and pretty cute dog to spend that time with doesn’t hurt, either.

So that’s a wrap for now! We don’t have anything super exciting planned for the weekend but I’m excited to just lounge around, hit the mall and spend some Christmas gift cards (that are clearly, burning a hole in my pocket), and spend some time with friends. 🙂

P.S. Did you notice that Mariel Moves got a mini-facelift last night? It’s a new year so I needed a new design on the blog. I plan to continue to enhance this as I continue to establish my blogging adventure. A big shout out to Kim at 733 Design. She did an amazing job and was so super great to work with!

Our Pretty Little Peanut & the Phoenix Half Marathon

Is anyone else feeling totally blah that Christmas is over? I’m still shocked that in less than a week it’s going to be 2013 already! Seriously, where does the time go?

With that said, I AM pretty excited because Justin and I are taking a short weekend trip to San Diego to spend some quality time with Peanut. (okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking…when are you NOT spending quality time with Peanut?) And the answer is that we totally are, every single second that we are home…but she’s our fur baby and I’m totally okay with being that weirdly obsessed doggy mommy. 🙂

I just hope that she knows how spoiled she is. We planned an entire vacation around her!

Since I’m just getting back into the swing of things with blogging, I’ll share with you a few pics of our crazy but adorably cute dog, Peanut.

peanut 1

Peanut 2

Peanut 3

(Now do you understand why we’d plan an entire vacation around her? Yep. I thought you would.)

In other news…I’m currently training for the The Phoenix Half Marathon on March 2. This will be my first 1/2 marathon to date and while I feel comfortable running up to 8 miles or so, something about that 13.1 has me shaking in my boots. I’m following a very modified version of Hal Higdon’s novice training plan and so far, so good. I’m more going for meeting my weekly mileage than sticking to the day-to-day plan since at this point, I sorta know my body and know that I can complete a 10-12K race at this point in my fitness with not much of a problem. BUT that doesn’t mean that I’m still not intimidated at the thought of running 13.1 miles. I still by no means really consider myself a true runner…though judging from what my friends and family say, at this point I need to get over that hump. Meh, we’ll see! 🙂 So my point? Follow along! I’m posting all my workouts on Daily Mile! You can find me here at The Daily Mile.

In yet another tidbit of random news, I’m really dying to join/start/whatever a book club! I came across this post today on The Saucy Apple and it really reminded me that while I do love to read, I really just need a little external motivation to keep me accountable to finish a book.
Once I start, there is usually no turning back, so I’m pretty sure a book club would be just the trick I need. Side note: I may or may not be one of those annoying people who likes to start 3 or 4 books at a time and bounce back and forth between them. Drives my best friend NUTS!

So what’s new with you? Are you training for a new to you race? Starting or joining a new book club?


It’s been awhile…a long while

Well hello everyone! It has been over a year since I last posted. Crazy how time flies. Anyway, while I was away, I never stopped reading the blogs that I know and love, and I didn’t stop running or taking yoga or any of the fun stuff I blogged about in the past. I guess, my life just sort of took over and for the past year I was busy with things relating to me, my career and my family and that was where my time and energy was focused. But, I’m back! I’ve committed to making this blog a part of my daily priorities again because I’ve felt myself yearning to write again!

But first, let’s have a short recap of what’s happened since I’ve been gone.

First, I got MARRIED! That’s right! On March 3, 2012 I married the love of my life in Phoenix, AZ. It was a beautifully sunny day filled with family, friends, laughter and love and it was honestly the best day of my life to date.

wedding 3

wedding 14

wedding 9

wedding 7

All wedding photos by the amazingly talented Kim Bee at Bumble and Bloom Photography. (

And after we got married, we went on a fabulous 14 day honeymoon cruise through the Caribbean all the way down to South America! It was honestly the most amazing trip of my life. To unplug and be so far away from our normal lives was seriously a once in a lifetime experience.

Boat in Cozumel

Deep Sea Trek

Cave Tubing


last dinner


After coming back to reality renewed and refreshed the husband and I had a whirlwind of a spring/summer. With a few close friends celebrating their own weddings we had quite the travel schedule. And in the midst of all of that, we added a new member to our young family. Our wonderful dog, Peanut!

peanut 1

She has truly become a part of our family and I can’t imagine our life without her. She is quirky, energetic, yet very lazy at times and just so much like us it’s crazy! We adopted her from the Humane Society and it was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Oh, and if you’re wondering about her cute little tongue sticking out of her mouth, understand that I didn’t just catch a good pic of her…she literally has her tongue sticking out ALL the time. It’s the cutest thing ever!

Other than those big updates, I have just begun training for the Phoenix Half Marathon on March 2. This will be my first half marathon to date and I’m super excited to reach this new milestone in my running career!

Stay tuned for more…I promise I’ll be back!

Race Recap: Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5K

Welp, my second 5K is officially in the books and I set a PR! (not too hard considering this was my 2nd ever 5K but I’ll take it!)

This morning started like any morning I head out for a run. Got up (just a tad earlier today than normal, 5:40 am, argh!) had a bowl of blueberry frosted mini wheats, threw on my running gear and gathered all of my necessary electronics…and Justin and I were out the door!

We arrived at the race with plenty of time to pick up our bibs, D-chip, race packet and t-shirt! It was such a beautiful morning and there were a lot of other fellow runners out enjoying the wondering running weather.

After we sucessfully pinned our bibs on, drank our last sips of water and secured our D-chip, it was time to get ready to line up at the Start.

Justin and I actually started together during this race, even though we had no intention of running the race together (he is wayyyyy faster than me)…but it was nice to line up together and cross the start at the same time! After tha national anthem was done, we were off! We started out sorta towards the middle of the pack, which was fine for me, who was planning to run around a 9:30mm but for Justin, it slowed him down…I could see him for far too long once we started running and I knew he was just bobbing and weaving in and out of people. From now on, he’ll start at the front where he belongs, but this race was all in good fun so it didn’t really matter either way.

Rounding the first corner of the race there was a band drumming away and many many spectators out in their driveways cheering us on! For it being 7am, I was suprised at the number of people who came out to support the race. The entire course (except for about the last 1/2 mile) was on the road, and honestly…I prefer it that way. I got off to a good start and my legs were feeling strong. At one point, I glanced down at my Garmin and I was running at an average pace of an 8:30mm. I about fell over…I was exccited but at the same time worried I would wear myself out and run out of steam during mile 3. I decided to not thing negatively and just keep on truckin…

That is my I refuse to slow down to take this picture face and a face that was realizing that my hair tie had just fallen OUT OF MY HAIR as I snapped that photo. Thank goodness I had a hat on, so my hair was kept out of my face. Note to self, never run another race without a spare hairtie around your wrist. Lesson learned, moving on.

My ipod was pumping and my legs were feeling great…I was breezing right along, mile 1 turned into 2, 2.5….and before I knew it I could hear the spectators and the band playing near the finish line.

I crossed over the famous Grasshopper Bridge (not pictured, I was just too in the zone to bust out the camera at this point)…

And, boom! I was done! I was way too enthused that I finished under 30 minutes when I crossed the finish line to remember to stop my Garmin right away so my Garmin time is a bit off my chip time, oh well, I’ll take it!

Final Time: 29:34
Average Pace: 9:31

My pace was right on target…I haven’t plugged the Garmin into the computer yet but I’m pretty sure mile 1 I averaged an 8:45 or 8:50 pace and sadly my splits were positive from there…oh well, something to work on for next time!

After I crossed the line and found Justin we headed over for some ice cold waters!

And of course there were lots of post-race goodies…bagels, bananas, granola bars. We grabbed a banana, a water and headed over to see our official chip times. There was even live entertainment to enjoy!

All in all a great race! Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5K, I do believe we will be back next year!

Once we headed home we relaxed for a bit then headed out to one of our favorite local breakfast spots and had a quick bite to eat. I demolished some toast and a huge bowl of oatmeal, came home and promptly passed out on the couch. After waking we headed to the mall and did some light shopping. After about 2 hours of that we were both famished again, so we headed out for a midafternoon snack dinner and then came home. Ever since, we’ve been posted up on the couch. Justin’s been watching endless movies and I’ve been catching up on blogs and race recaps from today!

I’m still on the fence about signing up for the Iron Girl 10k in December, but since the next race I’m registered for isnt until November 6 (the Phoenix 10k) I defnintely see at least another 5K in my future before then!

Okay, I’m out! I need to chug some more water and rest up. I think I’m going to try and get a long(ish) run in tomorrow morning before we head out for some Lions football! G’nite!

Did you race this weekend? Or if not, is there a race recap from the weekend you want to shout out?