Weekly Workouts

Welcome to Weekly Workouts. Here I’ll record my schedule of workouts for the week and edit/tweak as the week goes on to show what I actually ended up doing. Because, let’s be honest, not every week goes the way it’s planned.

1 thought on “Weekly Workouts

  1. Bharat

    Hey guys, So I do pretty well with my eantig. I eat about 85% clean on a weekly basis. I stick mostly to the Paleo diet scheme and take fish oil, a multivitamin, and Osteo Bi-Flex on a daily basis. The issue I am having now is that I cant seem to get stronger. I am really looking to get stronger and build more lean muscle. It is quite disappointing when I can not Rx a WOD when heavy Oly lifts are involved. What are your recommendations as far as supplements are concerned? Do you recommend taking a whey protein post work out? How about a casein protein as a meal replacement? What about creatine, BCAAs, Citrulline, and Arginine? I have so many questions when it comes to maximum performance. Any help is greatly appreciated.r/Demetri


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