Category Archives: New Years Resolutions

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year!

Justin and I rang in the new year pretty low key with a small get together at our place. We had an enormous spread of food, that unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to take a picture of but it included things like; hummus and pita, crackers-sausage and cheese, fruit with fruit dip, veggies and dip, Rotel dip with tortilla chips, pasta salad and burgers on the grill. Needless to say we were ALL stuffed by the time midnight rolled around.

We spent the evening playing games (catchphrase anyone?), drinking, eating, laughing and catching up. It was a simple but great night, indeed!



And I should mention that while we enjoyed ourselves, Peanut did as well. Snuggled up on the couch with her blankey. Happy New Year Peanut! 🙂



I don’t have a fancy post planned for all the great things that happened to me during 2012…I took a little blog hiatus during this past year and while it was pretty amazing (got married & went on a fantastic honeymoon, began making our new house a home, got promoted…) I won’t rehash that here. Instead, I wanted to talk about the few goals I have for 2013. While I’m definitely a list maker (checking items off a list really does bring me great satisfaction) I’m not really a New Year’s Resolution type person. I do however, have a few, very simple, things in mind I’d like to accomplish in 2013.

First, drink more water. Every single day. Now that I’m training for the Phoenix Half on March 2, I can really tell that my lack of water intake is taking it’s toll. I’m feeling dehydrated almost all the time, and I can tell it’s making my longer runs more painful than they should be. Plus, it’s good for me, right?

Second, Finish my Half Marathon on March 2. Run, walk, crawl. I don’t really care. Regardless of my time or anything else, I just want to finish. 13.1 miles may not seem like a long ways to some…but 13.1 miles is actually a really long ways. So I’m committing to just being proud that I’m taking on the adventure…no matter how I finish.

And finally, simply live. Or live simply. I’ve recently come to realize that we often spend so much time thinking about what comes next, that we forget to focus on the now. The next house, the next vacation, the next promotion, the next ANYTHING. And when we do that, we forget to pay attention to all the great things that happen in everyday life. A great run, a lazy Sunday with the one you love, a beautiful sunny day, a delicious cup of coffee. You get the point. 2012 was a great year for me…but I’m determined to make 2013 even better and I’m pretty convinced if I just remember to refocus and live in the moment, no matter what comes my way in 2013, it’ll be great.

So that’s that…my 2013 goals. Here’s to love, health and laughter for all in 2013! I hope everyone enjoys today. Take some time out for yourself and relax…you deserve it! 🙂 Justin and I are off to start a Breaking Bad marathon for the rest of the day. I can hear my couch calling my name!


P.S. I’ll be back later today or tomorrow with a recap of our San Diego trip…I haven’t forgotten!