Category Archives: Mondays

Monday (Not So Fun) Day

Quick weekend catch-up: I made it to Saturday morning yoga (ahhhhh, love starting my weekends off on the right foot) and then went for a quick 2 mile run on Sunday.

Followed by some much needed relaxation by the pool.

(PS. Did I mention that I LOVE instagram for iPhone? Because I do.)

Okay, back to the present…at least by this time, Monday is almost over! I definitely had one of those Mondays. You know the kind…you wake up late, run out of the house and know that you are forgetting something but can’t put your finger on it until, you know, you’ve driven all the way to your office (which is an hour commute in rush hour traffic) only to realize that you’ve forgotten your LAPTOP at home! yep…one of THOSE days. Thankfully Justin hadn’t left the apartment yet by the time I realized I forgot said laptop and I was able to meet him at his office downtown Phoenix…so I only had to drive halfway back home and back again instead of all the way. Needless to say, my day got off to a semi-rocky start.

Thankfully, it didn’t turn out so bad. After cranking out quite a bit of work today at the office Justin and I decided on Pita Jungle for dinner. Have you ever had Pita Jungle? If you live in the Phoenix area (and I believe they are in CA as well) and haven’t, I suggest you head there now. Seriously, go there NOW! I had the hummus and grilled chicken with pita and Justin had a Chicken shwarma. Excuse the iPhone photo, I was simply too hungry to bust out the real thing by the time we got home from picking this up.

In other news, this week is gearing up to be a busy one. We’re headed to Michigan for a good friends wedding this upcoming weekend so that means a 4 day work week for me (YAY!) But a shorter work week always means packing 5 days of work into 4…but oh well, I’ll take it if it means I have an extra day to spend with Justin! Tomorrow evening I’m catching up with a friend over dinner and Wednesday I’m going to try to hit up my favorite yoga class before we go away for the weekend.

I’m really trying to put a bigger effort into sticking to my workout schedule. I just feeeeel better when I’m eating healthy and working out, that should be reason enough for me to get my move on!

Hope everyone is enjoying the rest of their Monday! G’nite!