Author Archives: marielmoves

About marielmoves

Blogging through all my different adventures in life; from trying to lead a healthy lifestyle while working a full-time HR job to squeezing in a yoga class a few times a week!

The Battle of the Greek

Let’s talk about yogurt for a second, shall we?

When we think about yogurt there are many different options available:

  • Greek
  • Light
  • Creamy
  • Fruit on the Bottom
  • Whipped

And the list goes on…

In addition to many different types of yogurt there are, of course, a million different brands to choose from. Not to mention nutrition labels to read! To me, it’s all very overwhelming. I just want a yogurt that tastes great, doesn’t have a bunch of sugar or other unwanted ingredients and doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg! Is that too much to ask?

Enter Yoplait Greek 100.


image source

Sunday, as I was browsing the aisles of my local super market, I swung by the yogurt aisle in search of some vanilla yogurt for smoothies and overnight oats this week when I noticed something new lining the shelves, Yoplait Greek 100. They had the vanilla flavor I was after and for a $1.29/cup, how do you say no? (clearly, you don’t!)

I was very excited to try this yogurt and when I did I was even more excited! Each individual cup (5.3 oz) packs tons of flavor, at least 10g of protein and only 100 calories! And bonus, it comes in 8 different flavors! (I’ve only tried the Vanilla thus far, but trust me, I’ll be back for more).

I don’t know about you but typically when I have Greek yogurt I have to mix it with granola, or honey or a little something. Not sure why, but there has always been something about the taste of Greek yogurt plain (even if its flavored) that didn’t mesh with my crazy taste buds. However, I am happy to report that with Yoplait Greek 100 Vanilla, this is not the case. Finally! A Greek yogurt that I can throw in the lunch box, tear open and just EAT!

If you can’t tell by this point (which I’m SURE you can – you’re all smart individuals), this may be my favorite Greek yogurt E.V.E.R. and if you haven’t picked up on it yet, I’ll just come out and say it…you should head to the store and try this, NOW!

So, tell me, do you have a yogurt that you just LOVE? Anyone else get embarrassingly excited when you find new food products that you love, simply by accident?

Mango (not so) Green Smoothie

This weekend has just flown by for me! Anyone else? While I won’t bore you with every single thing that we did this week (or still plan to do!), here’s a quick rundown of this weekend’s festivities.

Friday night, as I blogged about here, we had a pretty low key night. We are addicted to Breaking Bad. Can.not.get.enough. We had to run out to Target this morning and buy Season 3 because we couldn’t wait to start watching it. If you haven’t seen it, I highly suggest you do!

Saturday was a bit more productive. We started our morning by taking Peanut for a quick walk and then headed to a local breakfast place called The Farm at South Mountain. Their Morning Glory Cafe is delicious and has a dog friendly patio, so we took Peanut along. If you live in the Phoenix area and have never tried The Farm for breakfast or lunch, definitely do!

After watching a few more episodes of Breaking Bad, I headed out for my 8 mile run. And run I did. This was a new PDR for me, so going in I was excited and nervous at the same time.


To keep it interesting, I drove about ten minutes down the street to a local park for my run. When I first started I created a loop that was a little over 2 miles and so I just repeated that about 4 times…this strategy worked for me. It spiced things up but also let me know exactly how much actual ground I had left to cover. Even though I was wearing my watch, this physical distance reference kept my head in the game.

And, I finished! And honestly, I felt pretty strong. I won’t say I was speedy…because trust me, I wasn’t I covered 8 miles in about 1:27. But I’ll take it! My race isn’t until March 2, so I still have plenty of time for training!


Came home and was starving so I made a quick snack of cheese, tuna fish and crackers. And a few sour patch kids snuck their way into my mouth too.


After snacking, more Breaking Bad, and a quick shower, we headed out to Four Peaks Brewery with a couple of friends for dinner. The place was packed! But we ended up waiting and had a good time chowing down on some delicious food and chatting.

This morning Justin and I hit the gym for a quick workout. I ran 3 miles in about 28 minutes and let me tell you, they were a tough three miles. I think my legs just wanted to rest.


After our workout, it was smoothie time! and spoiler alert, my green smoothie for today, didn’t turn out so green. But it tasted delicious, so I’ll take it!



Mango Green Smoothie

1 cup mango (fresh or frozen, I used frozen)
1 cup strawberries
2 cups spinach
1 frozen banana
enough very vanilla soy milk to move it around (i probably used about 2 tblsp)


I’m pretty sure my smoothie went wrong in the spinach department. I definitely overestimated the amount of spinach I had left in the fridge, so while you should use 2 cups for this recipe, I probably only used a little under a cup. I think if I had had the correct amount, it’d be more green! 🙂


I’ve got to get started on taking down these darn Christmas decorations…my motivation? More Breaking Bad!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Just the way it should be

Welcome to Friday night in the Kelley household.

We’re on the third disc (of four) in season 2 of Breaking Bad….and counting. We just started on New Years Day from the very beginning. Talk about addiction.


And Peanut is nice and comfy snuggled up next to us.


Just how it should be.

I’m relaxing before my long run tomorrow morning… I’m gearing up for another 7 miler. Maybe I’ll shoot for 8 if I’m feeling inspired. 🙂

Hope your Friday is as relaxing as ours!